Language is powerful. Words carry connotations and conjure images that are sometimes correct … and sometimes not. One such word is ‘pagan‘. The word pagan for many people conjures images of animal sacrifice, devil worship and inverted pentagrams. My family generally doesn’t announce our paganism for precisely this reason. As most people don’t fully understand…
Author: gaiaswisdom
Blessing the Water
Blessing the Water – set an intention of love and healing Dr Emoto – author scientist, and humanitarian – has shared a brief, yet powerful prayer and we are passing it along here as a focal point, a space of conscious creation allowing us to move past fear, judgment and retribution into Unity, Harmony and…
Who’s Racist?
There’s been some focus of late on racism – it’s very topical right now. I was listening to Jane Elliott on Radio National recently discussing her blue eyes/brown eyes exercise which is used to expose prejudice and bigotry as being based on purely arbitrary factors. Which of course it is. Whilst I disagreed fundamentally with…
Connectedness – HOW is everything related?
This post came from a comment that was made on my Symbols and Labels post from earlier this month. The commenter asked “One thing I don’t get is how is everything related”. What follows is my take on connectedness or relatedness. The idea of the connectedness of all things is not new and something that…
Samhain – Celebrating your Ancestors
It’s May 1 – Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere (with Beltane or May Day being celebrated in the north). Samhain is celebrated in the north October 31-November 1 – you might know it best as Halloween. Well, here in the southern hemisphere, the Wheel turns and the earth descends into slumber on May 1 as…